Stanos village

Stanos village

Distance from the airport → 70,6km


Stanos' characteristics are the excellent climate (520m altitude), the wonderful vegetation that surrounds it, the large valley to the west and the… voices of happy children!

8 kilometres away from Arnea, you’ll stumble upon this wonderful village called Stanos.

Well, it is the second village in Greece with the most families that have many children!

There are several speculations about the name origin.


According to local history sources and oral testimonies, there are many versions regarding the name of the village. One of them is that it was named after Stanos, a General of Alexander the Great, who passed through the village.

Another is that it was named after the Latin adjective “Stanus-a-um” which means a region that holds water for a long period of time. The third one is that it was named after a metal that existed in an old mine in the “Chalkoma” position. The fourth is that it was named after the sheepfolds (“stanes” in greek) that every family had next to their houses.

Worth it to see:

  • The celebration of Stanos’ patron which is Saint Chaido and it's celebrated on September 1st. Vespers are chanted on the eve of the celebration, and Divine Liturgy and procession of the picture take place on the day of the celebration, with the participation of the Bishop and many priests. Next, the traditional “kourbani”, where everyone is offered a free dinner, takes place in the church.


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