Sana village

Sana village

Distance from the airport → 48km


Next, to Doumpia, you’ll find a small village called Sana. 17km far from Poligiros, Sana’s inhabitants are mainly engaged in livestock farming and, to a lesser extent, in tobacco growing and cereal cultivation.


Sana doesn’t have any sights, but it has a remarkable dam-lake. In addition to a water reservoir, it is becoming a bivouac with the plethora of fish that have flooded and glimpsed at its bottom.


For the nature lovers, there are beautiful trails starting from the low hills to the south of the village, and below the bridge of Neefthos, the gorge of the Ammiti River.

Don’t miss it!

Some of the most memorable festivals are the Ai-Lia Festival on July 20th and
the festival of Tsipouro (grape distillate) that takes place every October.


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