Agios Mamas village

Agios Mamas village

Distance from airport → 60,2 km


Agios Mamas shows up while heading down towards Sithonia peninsula and approx. 2 km along the road you reach its famous prehistoric settlement.

Agios Mamas is a small scenic village between Kassandra and Sithonia which has a stunning beach and provides all the necessary facilities to its visitors. The old chapel of Agios Mamas was the place where the festival used to take place; thus, has been already replaced by a new church and a modern cultural centre.

Worth it to see:

  • The small wetland of Agios Mamas, an important location for breeding and passage waders. The wetland with the standing water has sand-dunes and reedbeds.
  • The “Touba”, one of the most important prehistoric sites in Halkidiki. At the west side, the cemetery of the Early Cooper Era is the oldest cemetery ever found in Macedonia.

Don’t miss it!

Every September, the most popular fair takes place at the village of Agios Mamas which is about a custom that comes from the Byzantine times and all guests who take part, buy farm products, animals, clothes and house objects.


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